Yuka Kris Kim (Yuka. K)
Yuka was born in Osaka, Japan and moved to US at age 15. She has traveled all over the world learning a lot of life lessons from different cultures and different people. She had once lived in Aruba and it was an amazing eye-opening experience for her. She was introduced to Bikram Yoga in 2011 as a part of rehabilitation after the car accident. Soon, she came to the realization that yoga is not only good for her physical body but also healing her mind and spirit. She got 2 ulcers caused by stress from her intense real estate career but yoga helped her finding the Middle Way, living fully in the present with no attachments and no expectations.
Yuka enjoys practicing different styles of yoga including Vinyasa, Hatha, Ashtanga, Bhakti, Power, and Yin. She completed her 200 and 300 hours of RYT Yoga Alliance training in 2019 and has been teaching various classes from Yin to advance Vinyasa flow since then. She is passionate about helping others to see the benefits and beauty of yoga that can change their lives forever. She has also trained in the art of Thai Yoga massage under Coco Zhang.
有香は日本の大阪で生まれ15歳の時に留学でアメリカに移住。カリブ海の島、アルバに住んだ経験もあり、世界中を旅しながら多種多様な文化と人々に触れ、たくさんの貴重な経験をする。サーフィン、スキューバダイビング、ウェイクボード、スノーボード、フラダンス、ムエタイキックボクシング、断捨離が趣味。交通事故で負った首と肩の痛みの緩和と、休みを全くとれない不動産業からのストレスで2度胃潰瘍になった事をきっかけに、心と体のために2011年にビクラムヨガを始める。ヨガの素晴らしさと深さにはまり、期待と執着を捨て今に生きる中道に目覚める。ビクラム、ビンヤサ、ハタ、アシュタンガ、バクティ、パワー、Yin等あらゆるスタイルのヨガを習い、2019年に200時間と300時間の全米ヨガアライアンスの資格を取得。Yinクラス から上級者クラスまで幅広く教える。ヨガにより人生が大きく変わる素晴らしさをできるだけ多くの人に伝える事に情熱を注ぐ毎日。Coco Zhangの下でタイヨガマッサージの資格も取得。